Gaslighting: A Bath Piece
A show about manipulation, autonomy and authenticity.
Uri Levy
Uri Levy
Yard Theatre
World Premiere
Presented as part of Yard Theatre's Live Drafts programme.
October 2019
18+ | This performance contains verbal references to pornography, child pornography, the Holocaust, violence and death. This performance also contains visual references to blood and physical violence.
Uri Levy is an actor and writer from Tel Aviv who recently graduated from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Gaslighting was Uri's debut at the Yard Theatre. Other credits include Amsterdam directed by Matthew Xia for the Actors Touring Company (ATC).
Dear Uri,
I was intrigued by the content of your play, at least what I understood the content to be, which was that no person of privilege has the right to assume the moral high ground over anyone or any group.
I felt that your relationship with the audience was both intimate and dangerous.
The bath, like a dream space in which we consider our lives past, present and future was a poignant image.
Congratulations on a stimulating piece of work.
Sue x
The Yard Theatre
Promo Gallery
Poster for Gaslighting: A Bath Piece starring Uri Levy.
Poster for Gaslighting: A Bath Piece starring Uri Levy.